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Archival science
Editor:admin Time:2022.1.1

1. Cultivation goals

Adhere to the guidance of Marxism, the major is dedicated to cultivating undergraduate students with steadfast and correct political direction, sound moral cultivation, and they should abide by laws and regulations. We focus on cultivating students with basic theoretical knowledge of systematic archival science and basic knowledge of government information management. Thus they have a certain understanding in view of the relevant social sciences, humanities and natural sciences, and possess good scientific and cultural quality. Thus the students master modern management knowledge, information technology and archives management professional skills, and they are familiar with China's archives, information policies and regulations, and become compound, applied and innovative professionals who engage in document management, archives management, information management and secretarial work in archives administrative departments at all levels, archives departments, information departments and secretarial departments of organs, enterprises and institutions.


Experience Orientation;History of Chinese Archival Study;Compilation of Archives and Documents;Foreign Archives;Electronic Records Management(Experiment);Information Retrieval;Experiment of Information Retrieval;Management of Scientific and Technical Archives;Development and Utilization of Archives Information Resources;The Technology of Archival Conservation;Experiment of Archival Conservation Technology ;Management of Information System;Experiment of Management of Information System;Undergraduate Internship;Undergraduate Thesis.etc.

School of Humanities , Nanchang University . All Rights Reserved. Admin
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