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Sinology Experimental Class
Editor:admin Time:2022.1.1

1. Cultivation Goals

It is oriented towards bridging the gap between literature, history and philosophy, connoting the East and the West, and aims to respect virtue and Taoist learning at the same time, with a focus on returning to the textual genre for intensive reading. The students should be trained to respect Chinese studies, to respect teachers and to respect the Tao. At the same time, they should devote themselves to the study and research of Chinese studies, then inherit Chinese studies creatively and develop them innovatively. The students not only should be familiar with traditional Chinese cultural texts, master the essence of traditional Chinese culture, and have a profound heritage of Chinese studies and humanistic sentiments, but also should be trained to have a broad cultural perspective, be familiar with the classics and characteristics of Western culture, and accurately understand the differences between Chinese and Western cultures.


Liji(1);Liji(2);Laozi;Principles of Maoshi(1);Zhuangzi(1);Shiji(1);Principles of Maoshi(2);Zhuangzi(1);Shiji(2);Shangshu(1);Zuozhuan(1);Hanshu;Additional Notes of Chuci;Selections of Zhaoming;Shangshu(2);Zuozhuan(2);Selections of Zhaoming(2);Zhouyi;Graduate Thesis.etc.

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